Mathew Moore
WordPress SSL Behind Ubuntu Reverse Proxy
Tutorial on How to Setup WordPress SSL Behind a Reverse Proxy on Ubuntu 16.04
Create 2×2 RTSP Camera Layout to Display 4 RTSP Cameras in Screenly on Raspberry Pi 3
Overview Recently, I came across a nice piece of software for the Raspberry Pi 3 called Screenly OSE (Open Source Edition). The software is pretty …
Infinite Scroll for GeneratePress
Description Infinite Scroll for GeneratePress is a super lightweight plugin to enable infinite scroll functionality on your WordPress blog running the GeneratePress theme. FEATURES OF …
Backing up Linux / Ubunutu VMs running on Microsoft Hyper-V
The following instructions pertain to Backing up Linux / Ubunutu VMs running on Microsoft Hyper-V.
WordPress Shortcode using REST API to Display The Events Calendar by Modern Tribe
This is a pretty basic example of what can be done with the new REST API in The Events Calendar by Modern Tribe. I’m sure there is much more that can be done, but for my purposes, it works perfectly!
Display 4 Camera RTSP Streams on Ubuntu with Mplayer and Screen
How to Display 4 IP Camera RTSP Streams using Mplayer and Screen on Ubuntu 16.04