Protect your website from unwanted traffic by using GeoIP Country Blocking for WordPress!
This plugin allows you to block countries of your choice from accessing your WordPress website. It uses a MaxMind GeoIP2 database to lookup an IP address and return relevant details such as IP address, Country, City, Latitude and Longitude. The lookups happen outside of the site the plugin is installed on to limit resource usage on your website.
- Redirect blocked users to a URL of your choice or simply redirect them to the default
- Logged blocked events only.
- Log blocked and unblocked events.
- Log without blocking.
- Enable logging for logged in users.
- Easily perform a reverse lookup, trace route, add to blocked countries, etc, directly from the logs page.
- Specify number of logs to store.
- Statistics Page & Weekly Email of Statistics to the site admin
- Allowed countries
- Whitelisted IPs
- Blacklisted IPs
- View logged events on a map.
- View logged URLs that have been accessed or blocked
- Simple access to Trace and Reverse lookups for logged events.
- Store up to 500 logs in the log view.
Requires Geo-Blocking IP Lookup Service to function properly.
This purchase gives you access to 1 year of plugin updates so you can come back and download new versions as they become available!